Do you know that five million Americans suffer from heart failure every year which results in hospital admissions among twenty percent of the elderly? In order to reduce these figures researchers of San Antonio are working on a sensor which is thinner than the width of a human hair and could be implanted within the heart of the patients suffering from heart problems enabling doctors to monitor patients from their home itself. Dr. Steven Bailey, professor of cardiology. University of Texas Health Science Center is working towards making this possible. This is what Dr. Steven Bailey, heart surgeon had to say: This whole concept came up from my frustration in seeing patients in clinic and saying, why can’t I find a way to get this information so that we can help patients and keep patients out of the hospital? As of now doctors measure pressure in the left atrium by measuring chemicals called bone morphogenetic in the blood but this is an indirect and inexact method. Now Dr. Bailey is planning for a sensor which would be microscopic in size and could be implanted within a blood vessel in the left atrium of the heart.